These 5 Signs Would Tell You If You Are Going Into Marriage For The Wrong Reasons

Love should obviously be the prime motive for marriage but it’s amazing how many single people let other factors come to the fore.

So before agreeing to lifelong commitment with your partner, make sure it’s not for any of these five reasons.

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1. You’ve reached the ‘marriage age’

Many people believe there’s a certain deadline for marriage and when it looms they feel the pressure. This concept of “marriage age” can come from social norms, culture or tradition or even friends and family. But in reality, there’s no cut-off age for marriage.

These days it’s perfectly normal to get married at any stage of adulthood. If friends or family start asking questions or dropping hints, ignore them. Only marry when you both feel ready and are excited about the prospect of life as a married couple.

2. To save your relationship

Some believe that marriage will settle their partner and iron out any problems in a relationship. If your girlfriend or boyfriend goes out until all hours of the night and has no routine in their life, you might think that marriage will tame them. But this is dangerously misguided.

A wedding ring will not miraculously transform them into a homebody or dissolve any lurking problems. In fact, it’s more likely to enhance any difficulties you currently face.

3. Financial pressure

Never let the prospect of financial rescue influence your decision! While pooling both of your incomes might make you better off,
marriages prompted by money are destined for trouble. Question your own motives for marriage as it’s easy to convince yourself that your intentions are better than they are in reality. Never let pound signs sway you.

4. You’re trying to tie them down

Some people believe that marriage is a tool to keep the person they love close. But if your boyfriend or girlfriend has a wandering eye or is hesitant to commit, wedlock won’t change things.

If you are nervous that your partner won’t stick around, then you shouldn’t be with them at all. You can’t hang on to someone who doesn’t want to stay. Marriage won’t solve your problems.

5. You feel you owe it to your partner

Don’t allow yourself to be glued to someone by guilt. If you have a wonderful partner who is loving, caring and considerate, you may think they deserve marriage, whether you want it or not.

It is hard to end a relationship with someone you care for deeply but don’t truly love. But you won’t be able to make them happy if you’re not happy yourself. By ending it, you will be doing both of you a favour.

However obvious it may sound, marriage should be about love and involve a conscious decision to commit to your partner.

It’s easy to let other factors intervene but marriage based on any of the above reasons is destined for disaster. Question your own motives and make sure your reasons are right.

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